Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair products for my tricks, Anything?

I am just plain stupid when it comes to hair care products. I know what shampoo and conditioner is for, but mousse, gel? I have a general idea of what the products are used for, but, I've NEVER been able to get the desired effect.

I have LONG, wavy frizzy hair. I love it straight. It takes forever to straighten it with a flat iron so 99% of the time, I don't ever mess with it. It's thick and thin throughout. I have been condemned to the same damn bun at the back of my neck for YEARS now. I'm really sick of it, but I really don't know what else I can do with my hair. If I try to put it up in a high pony tail, it is nearly impossible to get it right where I don't have the hair bumps. I have so much hair that i don't need anything that volumizes. Anti-frizz products haven't helped. I tried mousse once to try to enjoy my waves and it was just a sticky mess. How are these products supposed to work? I want to make my hair work in my favor. Ugh...

Hair products for my tricks, Anything?

if you use mousse, and just about any hair product, you need to put it in your hair while your hair is damp, then blow dry it or let it dry naturally.

what types of anti-frizz products have you tried? because i have always found that the products at drug stores and walmart never work for me, i use products you can only buy at hair salon places. Try a leave in conditioner to smooth your hair out. it will calm your hair down without being heavy like a anti-frizz serum. Also, they make products for curls and waves that allows your hair to be curly and move without being sticky like what mousse does. Try looking into products by Redkin, they are really good.

I have long, wavy, frizzy hair and i us Biolage's Smoothing Shine Milk (its a leave in conditioner) and Redkin's Ringlet 07 to control my wave.

the best part about using products instead of straightening it every day is that it takes less time. it is also better for you hair if you don't blow dry and straighten your hair every day

Also, you should get your hair trimmed once ever 3 months. most frizz is from split ends, so by getting them cut off, it will reduce the amount of frizz you have

Hair products for my tricks, Anything?

Use S-Factor, It is amazing, I had super thick wavy frizzy hair, and when I started to use S-Factor products my hair would straighten and STAY STRAIGHT even through humidity and moisture!!! You should try it out, the Dream Drops are a Godsend. Sadly there is no way to cut down the ammount of time it takes you to straighten, other than cutting your hair, but at least this stuff will keep your hair looking good.

Hair products for my tricks, Anything?

The shampoos you use makes no difference, it just gets washed away.

Use a good conditioner, I like Pantene Frizz control.

The best thing is to use any frizz-buster hair serum, like Frizzies (sp?) or the one from St. Ives or CitreShine, which are cheaper. They do a really good job taming the frizz.

Long hair is so versatile, look for books and hair goo-gaws for styling tips. French braids are a good option.

And get regular trims, makes all the difference.

If you've been wearing the hair the same way for years, it might be time for a hairstyle update. Add bangs or layers so the change is not so drastic you'll cry yourself to sleep every night because you hate your hair.

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