Monday, April 23, 2012

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-the

The following e-mail was sent to me today from a friend:



%26gt; On today, I

%26gt;went to my neighborhood CVS store to personally see for myself if the

%26gt;news reports of this national drug store profiling African-Americans by

%26gt;placing anti-theft devices on only Black hair care products were valid.

%26gt;After arriving at this store, I looked at both expensive and none

%26gt;expensive White hair products and I found NO anti-theft devices. I then

%26gt;looked on the boxes of both expensive and not expensive Black hair care

%26gt;products. What I found was shocking! ONLY Black hair care products had

%26gt;anti-theft devices on them. I immediately went to the store management

%26gt;and asked why did only the Black hair products have these devices? The

%26gt;store manager looked like a 'deer caught in the headlights of an

%26gt;approaching car.' He said White hair products also had the anti-theft

%26gt;devices. I asked him to walk please walk to the aisle with me and show

%26gt;me the White hair care products which had these ant

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

thats messed up

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

Just because you cannot see the anti-theft tag doesn't mean it isn't there. A lot of anti-theft tags are put in the box or package so that you cannot take it off. Report It

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

if this is true why would cvs assume such a liability. what happens when a black person looks for a highlighter in the white haircare section? Does cvs think that if black people steal it will definitely be in the black haircare section altho shopping store wide? it doesn't make any sense Report It

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

I worked at CVS - Not true.

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

Would it be wrong if it were true???

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

I really doubt this is true... Like most e-mails like this, you have to take them with a grain of salt.

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

Seriously doubt it's true, I get tons of emails saying "My aunt's a lawyer and she said this'll work, send it to ten people and you get a million dollars..." needless to say I got no million dollars and was only helping send spam back and forth.

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

If it is true then something will be and should be done about it. If true, thankyou, you just put me on to something that has never crossed my mind. They now have one-less customer!!!

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

Not true.

it was probably written by someone who for some reason was offended by an employee at CVS and found it easiest to blame the store for racism.

I work at a restaurant, and we had one person become really upset because she said we wouldn't take her check because she was a minority. (we run our checks through an authorizing system linked to our bank, and she was denied because her bank account was closed)

Some people are just out to get free stuff, and they dont want to do it by working for it like the rest of us do.

I received the following email. IS THIS TRUE? that only black hair products are marked with anti-theft @ cvs?

not true because thier black hair care stuff sucks the lines are not big enough nor diverse

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