Monday, April 23, 2012

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

I, personally, have been using it for a couple of months now and my collection now contains 21 Garnier Fructis hair care products. Obviously, I am very satisfied.

But I just wanted to see how everyone else out there feels about it. About any Garnier Fructis hair product. So just share your opinions here! Thank you!

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

i like it too and it smells great!!!!!

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

personally, i dont like it

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

smells good but mehh.. the shampoo and conditioner doesn't really work for me.

i love to use their styling creams though. i have long %26amp; strong and sheer shine.

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

21?!? what on earth does your hair look like that you need 21 products lol...i mean theyre rather cheap and work great but if your gonna spend the money, get professional products...they work even better.

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

good thing though...dont leave it in when you get your hair cut b/c when i went the stylist dropped her clippers twice because the fructis line gets slimy/slippery when it gets wet

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

love, love, love! :) I use their mousse %26amp; gel. %26amp; now i'm starting to use their skin care products called Garnier Nutritioniste

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

smells good, but that's about it

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

i tried the shampoo and it made my hair very oily within 24 hours, i finished the bottle and never bought anymore.

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

it's alright

What is your opinion on the Garnier Fructis hair care line?

It is sooooooo bad for your hair you have no idea. Sorry to rain on your pirade, but you will have no hair by the end of your life if you keep using that crap.

hahaha good luck with your dry, thin, frizzy hair when you're older then. ;P

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