Friday, April 20, 2012

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I just bought a 15oz bottle of shampoo with conditioner for 99 cents. I don't even want to know what the highest priced stuff is, but I'll ask anyway?

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I certainly do, VO5 was what the rich folks would buy. And Sage mentioned Halo, I remember that too. Remember those Dippity Doo commercials. I tried that once, but it made me look like a wet poodle.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

yes - do YOU remember the Breck Girls? The girls with a beautiful head of hair????

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Or how about Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific. I don't think they even make that anymore.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I use Paul Mitchell. I pay about $20 for shampoo. $17 for hairspray, and another $20 for body building conditioner. I wash my hair every other day. I know it sounds like a lot of money for my hair, but my hair has no body without it and that makes me feel ugly.

And I do remember VO5. Daddy used to use it.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I do remember, my Mom always bought it for us kids. I felt special having the best for my locks. Mom was good to us that way, silly things.

You are right Wally, you don't want to know what the top of the line runs but I'll tell you, for conditioner and shampoo regular size bottle could run $20.00, big ouch!

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Not only the Breck Girls, but Barbara Feldon on a tigerskin rug doing the ad for either Brylcreem or Vitalis while.

The 99 cent stuff is the same chemical formula as the higher priced. Suave, White Rain, it's all pretty much the same. Same principal as Amway products.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I remember V05. It seemed like we had alot of the green colored Prell at home when I was a kid.I use Pantene shampoo with conditioner. It is about $7 for a small bottle.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

VO5 was too heavy for me, I used to like Vitapointe....and unless I get gifts of products like that I try not to buy them..They run into much money!!

Edit: remember HALO EVERYBODY, HALO...?

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I don't actually remember that. VO5 has been around since I was little, though. I buy blonde shampoo (no jokes, please!). Full retail is $6.50/tube - (8 oz?) It last me several months. I only buy it when it's on sale, and it's not the most expensive thing out there.

I do remember using Breck and Prell as a child. Then there was Herbal Essence. It smelled like a pine forest. I loved it.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Hmmm. When was that Wally? 50's,60's? I remember my Mom buying VO5 and Breck shampoo. I buy either suave or VO5 because they are less than a buck a bottle. The way my girls go thru shampoo and conditioner I should check around and see if I can buy the stuff in a fifty gallon drum. I don't know how their hair can be that dirty- it's not like they do any work around here!!

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I remember we always had VO5 in the bathroom, never used it though. Now I do what you do, cheap stuff at the dollar store. As long as its not green or orange ,otherwise it tints my blond locks and looks funny under flourescent lights.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?


Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Alberto VO5, OMG! And Wildroot Creme Oil ( Charlie) ha ha, not to mention Bryl Creme for men. My mother used to buy a eucalyptus smelling shampoo in a glass bottle. I loved the scent but not the product. The brand name is tucked back in my memory banks but will come to me--I think it had numbers in it. Then of course there was and is Suave. White Rain was another shampoo, as well, and Breck, which used to be "it" for young women. And of course the glorious HALO! All were too drying for my hair. You definitely don't want to know what the highest priced shampoo costs today. I think its made out of yak oil combined with eye of newt or something. Re. Gee Your Hair Smell Terrific Shampoo: two of my kids ended up in the ER due to their scalps being badly irritated, so we changed the name to Gee Your Hair Smells Like the Dump. I wonder if that's why it was taken off the market?

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

no clue what the high dollar stuff costs, because i'm like you -

too cheap to buy it !!

i use either suave or vo5 - whichever is on sale and then i stock up -- i know we will eventually use it and it's not like you

have to feed it !!

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

We always used Aqua Net...and they still sell it. The smell brings back memories. But, it builds up on my scalp. I think they all do. I don't use any unless I have to. (You must have gone to the Dollar Tree!!) lol

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

I remember VO5, we often used it and the little hot oil treatments. Now I use Suave or another cheap brand of coconut scented shampoo, my daughter buys me Shikai 'natural' conditioner. The conditioner is about $8-9.

I remember also using "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific" or "Body on Tap" when I was younger.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Yes I remember Vo5. Mom bought Prell, Breck, Halo sometimes and I do remember using Vo5 shampoo. I used Vo5 leave on conditioner that came in a tube on my daughters hair when she was little. It made her hair nice and shiny and free off the frizzies. I also used the Vo5 hot oil treatment on her long hair too. And after all these years my daughter lets no one touch her hair but me !! I use Pantene shampoo and conditioner in one now. I get a big bottle at Wal Mart for 4 dollars. I also use Suave Clarifying Shampoo every other time I wash my hair. I get it at Wal Mart for under 2 dollars.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Weren't those the same days the Aqua Velva man was doing his thing. I still buy VO5 or Suave or White Rain for the kids who are in and out of the house. If I buy something else I reserve it for me. Hubby would use a bar of soap and not care.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Yep and Vitalis for the non-greasy look, but Brycreme (and nobody used the little dab that would do you) really held the mane down and made in shine (a bunch of damn Peewee Hermins). Them wuz the days, complete with white nylon jacket, pink shirt, stove pipe black slacks, double buckle skinny belt and white buck shoes -- geeze even then I was a stud.

Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?


Do you remember when VO5 were the top of the line hair care products?

Yes bery well, it was all "in" at some stage , way back when. 99 Cents, check the sell buy date Wally. It might have turned to acid. LOL. Sorry can't understand the other Q's.

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