Friday, April 20, 2012

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

I hope I can give a good educated answer...First , you really cannot DYE dark hair LIGHT. Tint won't lift tint! Bleach and peroxide will do the trick. Several factors will determine the degree of dark your hair is, strength of peroxide, porosity meaning ability to absorb moisture, climate and so on. Most generally lightening hair is not a QUITE QUICKLY job unless the hair is a light color meaning on a scale of 1 to 10 . 1 being the darkest and 10 being the lightest. At about level 7 or above it usually goes pretty quick but below that it could take LOT'S of never know because every body's hair is different just like your finger print. Now any thing you do to the hair will require SOME kind of hair product even washing it unless you use bar soap or some other kind of soap. Please don't use lemon juice or peroxide mixed with water because if your hair is a level 7 or darker you could turn your hair chicken yellow or pumpkin orange...peroxide WILL definitely change it and the lemon juice I am not sure because I don't use it. It sounds to me like you should go to a salon and have a licensed professional take care of the job. You will be much better off. Good Luck!

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?


How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

You don't.

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

oh no we dont need another blonde in this world

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

you cant, sorry

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?


I have seen it labeled "Camomila Intea" in Spanish

It may be tricky to find, try a pharmacy that carries ethnic products first. But if your hair is dark, it may not change it to blonde, but reddish. If your hair is dirty blonde, it makes it blonder

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

peroxide-bleach- or lather hair with strong soap and sit in sun.

Two weeks and presto!

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

using natural/pure lemon juice and dilute it with a little water, pour it on your hair, then expose it in sunlight while drying... or you can substitute hydrogen peroxide (stuff you put on wounds) for lemon juice.... it dont think you can get a pure blonde look but just a little lighter than your natural hair color or it may look like highlights, depends how dark your hair is.. and what type it is...

How do you dye dark hair blonde without using any hair care products quite quickly?

leave that sh!t up to the professionals

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