Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have long,thick, brown hair?

It is maybe 2-4 inches past my shoulders. I straighten my hair all of the time. What are the best hair care products I should use? Such as shampoo or conditioner. Should I use heat protector for my hair? If so what kind?

Plz I need help!!! (Any kinds of styles for my hair would be a big help also!)

I have long,thick, brown hair?

Try a hot oil treatment every now and then. Yes, if you can use a heat protectant for your hair (just go to CVS and pick out a major brand name) THe major brand names have the most money to spend on research and such so they usually have pretty good stuff. I have hair like yours.....I just use suave professionals and they work great. Go and google virtual hair styles and upload a picture of yourself. You can put different hairstyles on and try them out before you do it. Your haircut should be decided based on the shape of your face. If you have an oval face you can get away with just about anything except for really really long hair. Good luck!

I have long,thick, brown hair?

just use a good conditioner......that what i do.

I have long,thick, brown hair?

I reccomend you to use Biosilk. It's a very good line of products that adds shine and moisture. An investment in the shampoo, the conditioner, and the smoothing serum would be a good idea. Even just getting the serum and applying it before straightening would make a positive difference in your hair.

I have long,thick, brown hair?

You're like me excpet my hair is shorter but it is thick. I recommend Tressem茅. They hair products are really nice and have al sorts of ranges - such as volume,died hair care etc. I would opt for a normal version of Tressem茅. Also smother all of your hair with conditioner and it will become sleek and smooth!! Also if you hair gets incredibly knotty try the mason pearson hair brushes as they don't hurt and they take out knots really easily. As for hairstyles hairbands in white,red,black or navy with bows or little details are really nice with your hair out. A high ponytail or take two segmants of your hair from the front and take it to the back and tie it or clip it with a cute clip!

Hope I Helped!!

I have long,thick, brown hair?

There are special products now that you can buy to use when using hair straighteners, they also protect the hair. As well as that you should use a good conditioner, there are so many in the shops to choose from.

Also if your really keem try putting olive oil on your hair say once every 2-3 weeks, beware don't use too much and be prepared to have to wash it out for 20 minutes or so, I know this really softens hair and puts back the moisture, it may sound like an old wives tale but it does work.

I have long,thick, brown hair?

well i do find that herbal essance does great for my hair and do u use hair staitening protection spray for your hair. it shines your hair and makes it smooth with some volume to it. you,ll realy luv your hair if you use it. um and also make sure u dont straighten your hair wen its wet from water...


I have long,thick, brown hair?

I have straightened my hair too - be careful because it can get very brittle, and start breaking unevenly, and then you look like a mangy poodle.

Use a ceramic straightener, a relaxer shampoo, some stuff called Frizz Ease, but don't make your hair too clean, it needs some essential oil to keep it from drying out.

There are shampoo and conditioner from Herbal Essences for straightened hair, one I think is called Dangerously Straight

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