Saturday, April 14, 2012

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

have heard ojon products are good but want some feedback on what others think

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

I love SunSilk moisturizing line....they have a hair wrap formula that I swear by. I don't have bleached hair, but I do have dry curly hair, and it WORKS!!!! try it out...the best part, is that its not that expensive either.

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

expensive ones

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

Bumble and Bumble. You can only find this in high end salons, but well worth the money. Not much more than Ojon products.

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

OK as gross as it sounds... miracle whip. It contains alot of oil which is what your hair is lacking. Put the miracle whip all over you hair. Completely get it covered. Now rap your head in a plastic bag or towel and let it sit for 30-45 minutes and after that time wash it out with shampoo and conditioner. Do this like 2-3 times a month. Honestly it works.. i HAD the same problem. Good luck

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

I had my hair higlighted with bleach last year, and it looked great, but my hair felt like straw even when it was wet!!! Very scary, but my mom told me to mix 1 egg and a 1/2 cup mayo together and put all through hair and leave on for about an hour and then shampoo and condition.........( i know realy gross!!!!!) but it worked really well!!!!! Also put some olive oil or castor oil on your hair and wrap it in a hot towel until the towel cools and shampoo and condition works great too!

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

I'm black, my is naturally dry. I use pen tent pro-V for blacks. That will restore all the moisture you need and more. It works really well. My hair is stronger and softer.

I am looking for the best hair care products for dry bleached breaking hair..?

Dove has some really good shampoo and conditioner for dry and breaking hair. They also have a repair treatment that you use after shampoo. It's a great product. Hope this helps!

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