Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hair Problems!?

I have VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY THIN HAIR!! Okay imagine a girl who has normal curly hair in a pinytail. I seriously have only TWO normal curls in my ponytail! That's all my hair!! My sister also has thin hair too. We don't know where we get it from. My dad is fully black and black people have thick hair and my mom is fully white but has normal hair. You know..not too thick not too thin. Is there any hair care products that make my hair grow thicker? Seriously, I have worn my hair in a ponytail EVERYDAY since kindergarten!! And I'm in 6th grade! Ivery badly want side bangs and to wear my hair down. But it looks weird because it's too thin.. :(

Hair Problems!?

Thin hair is generally genetic, but I guess there could be foods that you could eat to try to thicken your hair. Also try brushing it alot, it won't make it thicker, but it will stimulate growth, so that even if it's thin, if you have a lot of it, then , no big deal, right? But thin hair is fine, I have thin hair, and its fine, I wear it down, and it's fine. Curly fine hair looks thicker than straight fine hair, which I guess is why my hair doesn't look too thin, cos it's kinda got a weird natural wavey-ness to it

Hair Problems!?

try volumizing shampoo... and you arent old enough to be on y!a if your only in 6th grade

Hair Problems!?

Hair is made from protein, so try eating protein rich food like eggs, fish and reduce the stress in your daily life. More tips at http://www.wellnesstalk.org/growhair.htm...

Hair Problems!?

I would try a thickening shampoo or shampoo for thinning hair. There is a great one made by Nioxin. Also, if you wear your hair short it makes it look fuller. If you wear it long it will probably look stringy and not too cute. Also, I dont understnd if you have curly hair or not, but if you dont, maybe you should get a perm with big perm rods. Like 1 1/4" ones. Hope this helps!

Hair Problems!?

You have a certain number of hair folicles alloted to your head. So far there has been no luck creating new. The only ans for some is transplanted hair but you need thick hair in back to do that. There are volumizing shampoos and also some gels that will help. A very short perky look may give your hair strength and help it look fuller too. If you have permission maybe you get get your parents to take you to a salon and get it styled. This way you will look your best.

Hair Problems!?

When I was young my hair was super thin as well, so i know what you are talking about. What my parens decided to do was to....are you ready? They shaved ALL of my hair. Yes, I was bald! BUT...it did grow thicker than what it was. So I know that's not one of your options. Plus my parent's did that when i was in elementary (very harsh). Anyways, I'm older now and still think my hair is thin, so i decided to take some pills recommended by my hair stylist. They are called "Nioxin: Intensive Theraphy Recharging Complex" and I have noticed results. Also use a volumizing shampoo and make sure to always use conditioner. =) GOOD LUCK!

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