Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

my hair is mid-length, straight but it tends to curl up at the ends . it's really dry only on the top layer. (does anyone noe why it curls out only at the bottom?)

my hair used to be really soft and silky until i started to layer it . i have tried all sorts of masks and treatments from different brands but none of them seem to be working. can someone please recommend me a good hair treatment that works effectively . i recently went for a haircut and am currently using nexxus hair care products(are they any good?)

can you guys/gals please gimme some advice , serious ans please


How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

The top layer of my hair has always been like that too. (Drives me crazy.) Remember, that's where your hair is dried the most, exposed to the elements the most, brushed the most, touched the most, etc. Keep that in mind and be careful with it. One of the things I do is dry my hair upside-down so that the bottom layer gets dry without having to fry the top layer in the process. Nexus is very good. You might also want to try a protectant. I like Silk, by Biosilk. It protects and adds softness and shine. Best of luck!

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

switch over to using olive oil for you hair.Oil it daily with olive oil and watch the difference.

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

always try to eat alot of friuts and vegtabels and healty food...and try repairing shampoos( like dove)its good for unhealty hair..and try to put afood oil on it..

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

i have long hair, i seem to have found out that by spending the extra money at a good salon helps a lot. buying salon shampoo too, not Paul Mitchell or matrix, i mean good stuff like alterina, it cost more, but it doesn't strip your hair of natural oils and vitamins, where other shampoo's strip your hair of everything natural and put a waxy build up on it.

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

Fabulous hair (without outside styling help) indicates good health.. If you want to get strong,shiny and healthy hair, try chowing down foods rich in Vitamin B just like beans, nuts, bananas and oats. Don't just use any products, you should be first sure that it is good to your hair and what will it do to your hair..

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

hot oil is the best treatment you should be able to get it in any hairdressers

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

yuck...stop using nexxus. use redken protien shamp and cond. its in a blue bottle , orrrrr bedhead/tigi have a new line called S factor its sulfate free smells and works great, or paul brown ressurect

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

first of all, try to diagnose the problem. when you get your hair layered, do they use a razor, or traditional scissors? if it's a razor, ask them to stop using it and request them to point cut with scissors. razors affect different types of hair differently, and on many people cause excessive dryness and split ends. i personally dont use them on long hair.

i wouldn't recommend any shampoo with protein in it unless you use a lot of chemical treatments (perms, colors, relaxers, highlights) or your hair is brittle or breaking. overuse of protein can actually cause more damage than good, making your hair too strong, causing it to break. redken is actually a good choice though; but id go for the all soft line, or the color extend line if your hair is on the fine side (doesn't matter if you don't use color. color shampoos are just lighter versions of deep conditioning shampoos). biolage is also a popular brand, but i find it is on the heavy side, so it is not good for hair that is on the finer side either.

if your split ends are seriously bad and they are too far up for you to be able to handle getting them cut off just yet, do go ahead and buy redken's antisnap protein treatment and use it every other shampoo. it's a leave in conditioner. if you can't find that, tigi bedhead makes one called ego boost split end mender. use it the same way. wean yourself off of it as you see results.

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

I use the products by www.biolustreflorida.com. I treat my hair once a month with them. when you add what you spend on shampoo and leave-in conditioner etc, per month, its the same cost because you get the shampoo and everythign PLUS their awesome instant repair treatment. I love it, I dont go without!! Good Luck!

How can i get really healthy hair ? someone please help!?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I were you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also.

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