Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What is the difference between the woman's and men's hair ??

I'm a 15 years old boy .. n am having problems with taking care of my hair .. as u all know .. most of the hair care products are for womans .. so is there any difference between the woman's and men's hair ? can men use the woman hair care products ???

Thanks in advance *_^

What is the difference between the woman's and men's hair ??

yes men can, but they often feel embarassed when buying it..? :\ Men and women have the same hair, except men go bald lol.

What is the difference between the woman's and men's hair ??

It can be hormonal.

But i don't know if it has anything to do with males and females.

I have seen some men have fantastic quality hair, real beautiful long wavy hair, and i have seen some women have poor hair...

best is go to your shop/boots/ pharmacy and ask this question... they can give you some drops for hair... if your hair is poor, or some hair gell if you want it more stylish..

or tell the outside neighbour the beautiful girl to massage your hair and give a style! ha! sorry i'm not there

What is the difference between the woman's and men's hair ??

There isnt a lot out there for men, so men usually just use whatever's in their girlfriends shower or the wife, etc so its perfectly fine to use a "girl " shampoo. Its just crap you wash your hair with in a girly package lol, so dont be embarassed. But if you do, just try to pick one that has a fairly neutral scent, nothing too perfumey so you don't smell like a girl.

You should try Bed Head products there for guys and girls and there awesome.

What is the difference between the woman's and men's hair ??

I think there is no problem using woman's hair products, but there are some great product lines for men now. Like someone said, TG (bedhead) has some great styling products and so does Paul Mitchell that are designed for men. Almost every professional line nowadays will have a mens line. So take a look around, go into your nearby salon and ask a stylist what they think would be cool for your hair type. Most stylists are cool enough to take minute to help.

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