Monday, May 7, 2012

What is the best product to buy to care for gray hair. it starts to get frizzy and i am 50 and want

stylish cut help any divas ?

What is the best product to buy to care for gray hair. it starts to get frizzy and i am 50 and want a styli

Well, m'dear...I too am faced w/ that problem. I had long hair all my life...then, I had it cut above the shoulder as when the gray came in, I had to dye it and w/ the $5.00 boxes of dye that I buy, well, it just started drying out bad. Didn't like the cut as I felt like I looked like Bette Davis (could kill myself) I cut it ALL off...short, short, SHORT! And altho I am still adjusting to this cut (others love it but...I just dunno) IS healthier and easier to take c/o and no frizz. I suggest #1...go to a beauty shop if you can afford it once a month. I dunno what dye they use but it does NOT dry the hair out nor frizz it up. #2) Cut it all off short and use Miss Clairol or whatever. It'll be too short to frizz up. Helpful??

What is the best product to buy to care for gray hair. it starts to get frizzy and i am 50 and want a styli

TIGI has a shampoo and conditioner called Control Freak that's excellent for taming frizz. If you're having issues with the gray looking brassy, try Matrix SoSilver shampoo.

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